With any ministry effort in the church, it's important to clarify biblical goals when planning and executing the practical details, and we approach student ministries no differently. We believe ministry to and for students is vital to our church's overall mission and purpose.
We Are Pressing for the Gospel’s Advance among Students and Families
- We Want a Greater Reach - Spreading the gospel to the next generation of the church.
- We Want a Greater Understanding - Growing students' and families' knowledge of, (and ultimately heart for), God and His Word.
- We Want a Greater Appreciation - Forging a deeper conviction about the God of Scripture, His Son, and our commitment to His Glory.
We Want to Support the Efforts of Parents to Evangelize and Shepherd their Children
No student ministry should be designed to, or is capable of, completely replacing the primary role that parents have in making disciples of the children. However, as a church, we can be a complementary voice of truth in their lives to steer them in the way that they should go. Our student ministry efforts are executed with that supporting and augmenting role in view.
We Want our Students to Build and Maintain Spiritual Friendships in the Church
The Apostle Paul warns about the corrosive effects of keeping extended company with unbelievers. We want our students to have an opportunity to build spiritual friendships with their peers that are based on a common life in Jesus Christ, rather than any of the fleeting joys this world has to offer. Just as bad company corrupts (1 Cor 15:33), righteous company builds up, encourages, and sharpens one fellow believer with another (Prov 27:17; Rom 1:11-12).
We Want to Take Every Opportunity to Teach God’s Word
“Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ” – Rom 10:17. We understand that God’s Word is the primary means by which God activates and strengthens saving faith; therefore, we strive to include an instructional component into everything we do with our students. Whether it’s the focused attention of our Sunday morning bible study, or the informal activities we plan for the students each month, we’re constantly looking for ways to communicate how God’s Word is central to every aspect of a disciple’s life in Christ.
We Want to Create Opportunities for Students to Serve in the Local Church
Just as the Lord Jesus came not to be served, but to serve, we want our students to understand that it’s every believer’s privilege to serve others within the local church. From helping with audio/visual on Sunday mornings, or ministry through music, to serving the families of younger children in the church, we are challenging our students to serve faithfully, excellently, and joyfully.
If there is any way we can serve you or your family, please don’t hesitate to visit us on a Sunday morning or reach out to us at jeff@cascadesbiblechurch.com.